UX Design: Colleague onboarding portal

UX Design: Colleague onboarding portal

UX Design: Colleague onboarding portal

UX Design: Colleague onboarding portal

UX Design: Colleague onboarding portal

Project Overview: Sales managers at Pfizer France have been challenged by the task to onboard colleagues, not because of candidates’ qualifications, but because the onboarding process is very complicated. There're many people to contact, a lot of steps to follow and information is all over the place.

Problem Statement: How might we help the sales managers by providing them an effective tool for the new colleagues’ onboarding process?

Project Overview: Sales managers at Pfizer France have been challenged by the task to onboard colleagues, not because of candidates’ qualifications, but because the onboarding process is very complicated. There're many people to contact, a lot of steps to follow and information is all over the place.

Problem Statement: How might we help the sales managers by providing them an effective tool for the new colleagues’ onboarding process?

Project OverviewSales managers at Pfizer France have been challenged by the task to onboard colleagues, not because of poor candidates’ qualifications, but because the onboarding process is very complicated. There're many people to contact, a lot of steps to follow and information is all over the place.

Problem Statement: How might we help the sales managers by providing them an effective tool for the new colleagues’ onboarding process?

Problem Statement: The existing website has huge amount of information that's all over the place and very disorganized. It provides little support for onine-permit application. The website ower wants to redesign it so that it will allow users to intuitively navigate the website for their travel plans especially allow users to apply permit online.

Client: Pfizer
Role: UX Designer
Period: 1 month
Team: 4 UX Content Stratgiests, researchers and designers
Software: Sketch, inVision, Marvel, Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop.

Design Goal & Process

Design Process & Highlights

  • Design goal: clarify, simplicity and confidence
  • Discover and analyze users' painpoints
  • Sketches & Ideation
  • Prioritize feature
  • User Flow
  • Site Map
  • Prototyping
  • Usibility Testing
  • Lessons & Outcome
  • Next steps suggestions


Based on the discovery from workshops with users and stakeholders, I started design with sketches on paper to generate multiple ideas of user flows and visual treatments. This is a usual step in my design process before jumping to wireframing with apps. 



User Flow

By dividing the user flow into 5 sequential sub-processes, the originally complex hiring process became less daunting.


Site Map



Lessons & Outcome

The lessons learned:
. Listen carefully – give full attention and really learn about what user and stakeholders painpoints and need.
. Ask questions – in order to deeply understand users’ thinking and behavior.
. Get involved early – hear from the source and be close to users instead of through middle team for true empathy and well-targeted solution.
. Flexibility – There are times not all information is available and tools are ready. We need to be flexible working with the project and everyone.
Balance of function & style – use both head and hand to deliver intuitive and effective design.

The users, the hiring managers, responded very positively about the website. The over all result of the initial usability testing was, with this website as their new tool, the recruiting tast was no long a maze like daunting task but an easy process.

The Mid-Fi prototype is here: https://rachelwangdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/wave101sec.mp4.

  1. Clarity
    Provided a clear and concise path for the user to take an informed action.

  2. Simplicity
    Provided a "Zen" feeling with clean user flow and easy navigation.
  3. Confidence
    Provided guidance as well as assurance for users' confident completion.

Next Step Suggestions

Since the prototype delivered at this point was only mid-fi. I provided the following next step suggestions.




